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Recipe Journal

Food is an essential part of how I experience a place.  I want to taste everything.  I'm a terrible kitchen snoop, the first thing I do in someone else's house (honestly I don't even notice i'm doing it, it's embarrassing) is throw open all their cabinets and inspect what they have.  I think it is such fascinating way to see how food habits are different from place to place, family to family, and culture to culture.  There is nothing I love more than learning a recipe from someone and learning its story while they cook.


Pascal's Öpfelchueche: Swiss Apple Tart

Madison Darbyshire

It’s fall here in Switzerland.  It feels as though just last week I was sweating through my sundress in Paris, but suddenly I’m pulling my sweater a little tighter and reaching for a scarf to walk into town.  The little chocolate shops in the historic old city of Bern are a welcome and warm hideaway from the winds blowing down from the mountains.  

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